Loan Options


Conventional loans are not backed by the government and are best for buyers with higher credit scores and low debt-to-income ratios. You can buy a home with conventional financing for as little as 3% down.

Government loans

FHA, VA, and USDA are loans backed by a government agency, ensuring the lender’s investment is secure. Each offers less stringent credit requirements, low down payments, and less cash to close.

jumbo loans

A jumbo loan is a mortgage that exceeds the conforming loan limit set by the FHFA for a given area ($766,550 in Texas). Jumbo loans are riskier for the lender. With greater risk comes higher prices and stricter requirements.

Fixed or adjustable rates

Self-employed borrowers must meet the same credit, debt, down payment, and income standards as wage-earning applicants. As long as they can prove steady, reliable cash flow, being self-employed should not stop anyone from buying a home.

down payment assistance

If you’re interested in buying a home but don’t have money for a down payment, we may be able to help. To qualify, you must have a minimum credit score of 620 and meet specific income requirements.

specialty loans

Not everyone qualifies for conventional financing. Bank statement loans, DSCR investor cash flow loans, asset qualifier mortgages, alt-doc/1099 mortgages, and more are available for those who need them.

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